Windows Setup Guide

Here is how you get started with Windscribe on Windows.

Use Our App

Manual Setup - Power Shell (Win 10 only)

This is the simplest and most secure option.

ขั้นตอน 1

Get IKEv2 profile and credentials (requires a pro account).

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Open Windows PowerShell (Start → type "Powershell")

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Execute the following command in Powershell, replacing SERVER.WINDSCRIBE.COM with your chosen location from Step 1.

Add-VpnConnection -Name "Windscribe IKEv2" -ServerAddress "SERVER.WINDSCRIBE.COM" -TunnelType "Ikev2" -RememberCredential -AuthenticationMethod EAP -EncryptionLevel Maximum

ขั้นตอน 4

Execute the following command in Powershell to use strong encryption.

Set-VpnConnectionIPsecConfiguration -ConnectionName "Windscribe IKEv2" -AuthenticationTransformConstants GCMAES256 -CipherTransformConstants GCMAES256 -EncryptionMethod AES256 -IntegrityCheckMethod SHA256 -DHGroup ECP384 -PfsGroup ECP384 -Force

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Go to Start and type "Settings" and select "Network and Internet" and choose the "VPN" tab.

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Click "Connect"

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Input the username and password as provided on the Profile Generator page in Step 1. This username and password will NOT be the same as your Windscribe login.

Manual Setup - GUI

This is the more complicated and less secure option.

ขั้นตอน 1

Get IKEv2 profile and credentials (requires a pro account).

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From your Window 10 Start Menu, click on Settings

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In Windows Settings window, click on Network & Internet

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Click on VPN.

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Click the Add a VPN connection button to set up a new VPN connection.

It is very important that you create a new VPN connection profile instead of editing an existing one, as it will not work due to a bug in Windows OS.

ขั้นตอน 6

Select "Windows (built-in)" as VPN provider, enter connection name (any name you wish), select VPN type "Automatic". Select type of sign-in info "User name and password".

Then input the Server address, username and password as provided on the Profile Generator page in Step 1. This username and password will NOT be the same as your Windscribe login.

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Go to Control panel -> Network and Internet -> Network Connections. Select the adapter you just created and click "Properties"

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Change Type of VPN to "IKEv2".

Change Data Encryption to "Maximum strength encryption".

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Go to the Networking tab, select "Network Protocol Version 4", and click "Properties".

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Click the "Advanced" button.

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Ensure "Use default gateway on remote network" is checked. Then click "OK". Now repeat the above steps for "Network Protocol Version 6"

ขั้นตอน 7

Click on the profile you just created, and click on the Connect button to connect.