Mac Setup Guide

Here is how you get started with Windscribe on a Mac.

Use Our App

Manual Setup

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Get IKEv2 profile and credentials (requires a pro account).

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From your System Preferences menu, click on Network

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In Network options, Click the "+" button on the bottom left to add a service

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Set the Interface to VPN, the the Type to IKEv2. You can the "Service Name" to anything you like. Then click on Create button.

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Click the Add a VPN connection button to set up a new VPN connection.

Set the Server Address and Remote ID to the hostname you received from our generator page, and check the box "Show VPN status in menu bar" if you want to see your connection in the menu bar. Then Click on "Authentication Settings"

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Enter the username and password you received from the generator page. Hit OK, then hit "Apply". This username and password will NOT be the same as your Windscribe login.

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You should now be able to click Connect and see the VPN icon in the menu bar.